select bags:last update: 07.03.2025
number of bags: 2091
airlines: 647
countries: 136
top 5 airlines: | |
Virgin Atlantic | 37 |
China Eastern Airlines | 33 |
KLM | 30 |
ČSA | 28 |
Thai Airways | 25 |
top 5 countries: | |
China | 153 |
United Kingdom | 145 |
Germany | 144 |
United States | 77 |
Spain | 76 |
welcome to my collection!
On this site, you will find my complete collection of airsickness bags. You can browse the bags in alphabetical order using the menu on the left. If you click on the links below, you can also see my spare bags, list of my donors and pages of other collectors.
All the scans are of my own bags. I collect bags only from airplanes, not from boats, buses, sanitary bags, etc. Any swaps or donations are welcome!
Rules of my collection: As different bags, I recognize: different design, construction font, kind of paper and significant differences in colour. Generic bags are in my collection only with verified origin.
Interested in some of my swaps? Contact me by e-mail!

Focused on design: Clouds
Welcome to the section dedicated to the design of the airsickness bags. In articles named as Focused on design, I will present you several types of motives used on the barfbags. Just for the record - all mentioned airlines have a big thumbs up for creating something more or less original. If they still, exist, of course...

Language corner
Good morning, students! In today's lesson of Airsickness bags 101, we are going to practice some vocabulary. Repat after me!

Why I love Southwest Airlines?
I know what you think - is this guy crazy? How can he love a company that is famous for its plain white airsickness bags, which goes together with their low-cost policy? Well, the reason is pretty simple - it's the people in Customer Relations department.

Here are answers to some of the most frequent questions about my collection.

How it all began
Well, nowadays it's a bit hard to remember, but I'll do my best. I was an aviation enthusiast since I was a kid. Better say since 14th January 1995, when I've flown for the first time - with ČSA flight OK154 from Prague to Bangkok via Abu Dhabi. Since then, I got totally mad about airplanes. And my mum helped me with that, as she gave me my first book about airplanes, where I quickly learned to identify them.

Last update: 07.03.2025. Made by Petr Manda © 2011 – 2025. Hosted by